Online Hearing Test
Hearing testing has become increasingly advanced and able to very accurately detect the levels of hearing loss you are experiencing in both ears. Hearing testing takes a small amount of time but can reap huge results. Once you understand the extent of your problems your hearing professional will recommend the perfect hearing aid solution for you. You will be able to trial your hearing aids to ensure that you are completely comfortable with them. You will notice a difference immediately and the world will open up to you again once your hearing impairment has been corrected with the right hearing devices.
Whitsunday Hearing offer hearing testing out of hours for your convenience. A simple hearing test really can be the beginning of a whole new life. Why not book in today?
Take our quick quiz to see what product best suits your needs
At Whitsunday Hearing we work hard to devise the right hearing aid solution for you. It is definitely not a case of one size fits all! People’s needs are extremely diverse and largely dependent on their lifestyle. If for example, you enjoy spending time in noisy environments then your hearing aid will need to be chosen based on this fact. Whitsunday Hearing will spend time not only testing your hearing but also talking to you about your lifestyle: what you enjoy doing; what environments you spend time in; where you experience the most difficulties with your hearing. By fully understanding your individual needs, Whitsunday Hearing can come up with the right hearing aid solution for you.